Money, Conflict, and Reciprocity in Rural Families in Zambia: The Case of Female University Students


Money, Conflict, and Reciprocity in Rural Families in Zambia: The Case of Female University Students

Project Year



Southern Africa



Project Description

The objective of the study is to explore some of the characteristic practices and attitudes toward money in the family, and the nature of conflict around money in the family, as experienced by Zambian female students from rural backgrounds. This study will explore familial conflict around money and the organization of money in the Zambian rural family from a descriptive, sociocultural and temporal aspect; the intention is to draw out detailed understandings of the role of real or practical issues (e.g. purchasing food and clothing or paying school fees) involving money as well as those described as value laden or symbolic (e.g. values, morals, power relations) and changes that may have occurred as a result of moving away from home and attending university.


Robert Tembo

About the Researcher(s)

Robert Tembo is a Lecturer/Researcher and Head of the Department in social development studies at the University of Zambia. His research interests include health issues, particularly HIV/AIDS, social protection, gender, and child welfare issues. He has over 15 years work experience in a wide range of research activities. These include social policy analysis, as well as institutional and program evaluation. Mr. Tembo has conducted consultancies for various clientele in Zambia and abroad such as Commonwealth Youth Programme, IDRC, SIDA, USAID, UNICEF, UNDP UNFPA, and the World Bank. He has also published in international journals and books particularly on HIV/AIDS in Zambia.


“Money, Conflict, and Reciprocity in Rural Families in Zambia: The Case of Female University Students,” Institute for Money, Technology & Financial Inclusion (IMTFI) Research Projects, accessed April 19, 2024,

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